Building Micronaut Microservices Using MicrostarterCLI: Microservices architecture has gained widespread popularity for its scalability, flexibility, and ease of management. Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based framework that simplifies the development of microservices and serverless applications. Coupled with MicrostarterCLI, a rapid development tool, you can expedite the creation of reusable, standard code, configurations, and patterns essential for your application. This article will guide you through the process of bootstrapping a Micronaut microservices application using MicrostarterCLI, covering the architecture, setup, and implementation in detail.
Understanding MicrostarterCLI
MicrostarterCLI is a command-line interface designed to streamline the development of Micronaut applications. It helps in generating boilerplate code and configurations, reducing the initial setup time and allowing developers to focus on writing business logic. With MicrostarterCLI, you can quickly scaffold projects, generate controllers, services, and other components necessary for a microservices application.
Before we begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 11 or higher
- Micronaut CLI
- MicrostarterCLI
- An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as IntelliJ IDEA or Visual Studio Code
Setting Up the Development Environment
Installing JDK
Download and install the latest version of JDK from the Oracle website or use a package manager like Homebrew (for macOS) or Chocolatey (for Windows).
shCopy code# For macOS
brew install openjdk@11
# For Windows
choco install openjdk11
Installing Micronaut CLI
Micronaut CLI is essential for creating and managing Micronaut projects. Install it using SDKMAN:
shCopy codecurl -s "" | bash
source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
sdk install micronaut
Installing MicrostarterCLI
To install MicrostarterCLI, download it from the official GitHub repository and follow the installation instructions.
Creating a Micronaut Microservices Project
Step 1: Initialize the Project
Use MicrostarterCLI to bootstrap a new Micronaut project:
shCopy codemicrostartercli create-app com.example.micronaut.microservices --features=netflix-eureka,discovery-client,config-client --build=gradle
This command creates a new Micronaut application with the specified features and Gradle as the build tool.
Step 2: Project Structure
After generating the project, you’ll notice the following directory structure:
cssCopy codemicronaut-microservices/
├── build.gradle
├── src
│ ├── main
│ │ ├── java
│ │ │ └── com
│ │ │ └── example
│ │ │ └── micronaut
│ │ │ └── microservices
│ │ ├── resources
│ │ │ └── application.yml
├── settings.gradle
Creating Microservices Components
Service Discovery with Netflix Eureka
Service discovery is a fundamental aspect of microservices architecture. Netflix Eureka is a service registry that enables dynamic registration and discovery of microservices.
Configuring Eureka Server
First, create a new module for the Eureka server:
shCopy codemicrostartercli create-app com.example.micronaut.eurekaserver --features=eureka-server --build=gradle
In the application.yml
file of the Eureka server, configure the Eureka server properties:
yamlCopy codeeureka:
registerWithEureka: false
fetchRegistry: false
hostname: localhost
port: 8761
Configuring Eureka Clients
In the application.yml
file of your microservices, configure the Eureka client properties:
yamlCopy codeeureka:
defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/
Creating REST Endpoints
Let’s create a simple microservice with a REST endpoint.
Creating a Controller
Use MicrostarterCLI to generate a controller:
shCopy codemicrostartercli create-controller com.example.micronaut.microservices.HelloController
This command generates a HelloController
class in the specified package. Modify the class to include a simple endpoint:
javaCopy codepackage com.example.micronaut.microservices;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get;
public class HelloController {
public String index() {
return "Hello, Micronaut!";
Creating a Service
Generate a service class to handle business logic:
shCopy codemicrostartercli create-service com.example.micronaut.microservices.HelloService
Modify the generated HelloService
javaCopy codepackage com.example.micronaut.microservices;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;
public class HelloService {
public String getGreeting() {
return "Hello, Micronaut!";
Update the HelloController
to use the HelloService
javaCopy codepackage com.example.micronaut.microservices;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
public class HelloController {
HelloService helloService;
public String index() {
return helloService.getGreeting();
Configuration Management with Config Client
Centralized configuration management is crucial for microservices to ensure consistency and ease of maintenance. Micronaut provides a config client that integrates with various configuration servers, such as Spring Cloud Config.
Configuring Spring Cloud Config Server
Create a new module for the config server:
shCopy codemicrostartercli create-app com.example.micronaut.configserver --features=config-server --build=gradle
Configure the application.yml
file of the config server:
yamlCopy codeserver:
port: 8888
Configuring Config Client
In the application.yml
file of your microservices, configure the config client properties:
yamlCopy codemicronaut:
enabled: true
name: microservice1
uri: http://localhost:8888
Implementing Circuit Breaker with Resilience4j
Circuit breakers are essential for creating resilient microservices. Micronaut integrates with Resilience4j to provide circuit breaker functionality.
Adding Circuit Breaker to a Service
First, add the necessary dependencies to your build.gradle
gradleCopy codedependencies {
Annotate the service method with @CircuitBreaker
javaCopy codepackage com.example.micronaut.microservices;
import io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.annotation.CircuitBreaker;
import jakarta.inject.Singleton;
public class HelloService {
@CircuitBreaker(name = "helloService", fallbackMethod = "fallbackGreeting")
public String getGreeting() {
// Simulate a delay or error
if (new Random().nextInt(10) < 7) {
throw new RuntimeException("Service failed");
return "Hello, Micronaut!";
public String fallbackGreeting(Throwable throwable) {
return "Hello, from the fallback method!";
Implementing Load Balancing with Ribbon
Load balancing distributes incoming requests across multiple instances of a microservice, improving availability and performance. Micronaut integrates with Netflix Ribbon for client-side load balancing.
Adding Ribbon Dependency
Add the Ribbon dependency to your build.gradle
gradleCopy codedependencies {
Configuring Ribbon
In the application.yml
file, configure the Ribbon client:
yamlCopy coderibbon:
enabled: true
listOfServers: localhost:8081,localhost:8082
Testing the Microservices
Testing is an integral part of microservices development. Micronaut provides a comprehensive testing framework that supports unit and integration testing.
Writing Unit Tests
Create a test class for HelloService
javaCopy codepackage com.example.micronaut.microservices;
import io.micronaut.test.extensions.junit5.annotation.MicronautTest;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
public class HelloServiceTest {
HelloService helloService;
void testGetGreeting() {
String greeting = helloService.getGreeting();
assertEquals("Hello, Micronaut!", greeting);
Writing Integration Tests
Create an integration test for HelloController
javaCopy codepackage com.example.micronaut.microservices;
import io.micronaut.http.client.HttpClient;
import io.micronaut.http.client.annotation.Client;
import io.micronaut.test.extensions.junit5.annotation.MicronautTest;
import jakarta.inject.Inject;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
public class HelloControllerTest {
HttpClient client;
void testHelloEndpoint() {
String response = client.toBlocking().retrieve("/hello");
assertEquals("Hello, Micronaut!", response);
Deploying the Microservices
Deploying microservices can be done using various methods, including containerization with Docker, Kubernetes orchestration, and cloud services. Here, we’ll focus on containerizing the application using Docker.
Dockerizing the Application
Create a Dockerfile
in the root directory of your project:
dockerfileCopy codeFROM openjdk:11-jre-slim
COPY build/libs/micronaut-microservices-*.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]
Build the Docker image:
shCopy codedocker build -t micronaut-microservices .
Run the Docker container:
shCopy codedocker run -p 8080:8080 micronaut-microservices
Deploying to Kubernetes
Create a Kubernetes deployment file deployment.yaml
yamlCopy codeapiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: micronaut-microservices
replicas: 3
app: micronaut-microservices
app: micronaut-microservices
- name: micronaut-microservices
image: micronaut-microservices:latest
- containerPort: 8080
Apply the deployment to your Kubernetes cluster:
shCopy codekubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
Building Micronaut microservices using MicrostarterCLI simplifies and accelerates the development process. By leveraging the capabilities of Micronaut and MicrostarterCLI, you can create scalable, resilient, and maintainable microservices architectures. This article covered the essential steps, including project setup, service discovery, REST endpoint creation, configuration management, circuit breaker implementation, load balancing, testing, and deployment. With these tools and techniques, you are well-equipped to build and deploy robust Micronaut microservices. Keep reading on Groundsurf.